School holiday camps

Confident Campers

Confident Campers 

Many children struggle with feeling confident in their day-to-day life. As a result of the pandemic, it’s clear that the self- confidence of children has worsened. Confidence is nurtured through positive reinforcement and achievements, both big and small. Children need a safe space where they can explore their identities and discover their true selves. Holiday Camps are the perfect space to do just that. We’ve outlined the five ways that children can build their confidence on Camp below.

Building friendships 

Last year children missed out on vital interactions with others. Our Camps provide a safe space for children to reconnect and make lifelong friends. Lots of our Camp activities act as a group dynamic with a focus on team work. When Campers have searched for clues to a scavenger hunt, played games together, or worked as a team to capture the flag, they have plenty to chat about. This is how strong friendships are developed. The more group activities they do the more they will gain confidence in these social interactions. These social skills are now more important than ever, as studies show that children now require extra help with their language skills compared to pre-pandemic levels.  At camp, your child will also meet other children from all kinds of backgrounds – this is great for developing their social confidence.

Gaining independence

Whether the result of parenting trends or ultra-high levels of digital connectedness, today’s children are much less independent than the generation before them. Being at a Holiday Camp is a formative experience that allows children the space to grow and develop. Away from their parents, children have the opportunity to discover who they are and what they are passionate about.

Developing new skills

Camp offers a rich mix of new and valuable experiences. At our Camps, we offer an exciting multi-activity experience with the chance to try loads of activities like team sports and bushcraft. Camp provides a relaxed environment in which children can learn, step out of their comfort zone and try new things. With a focus on non-competitive activities and diverse opportunities to succeed, Camp really helps young children thrive. Our Camps also help children to build perseverance, with each new skill and success comes more confidence. Winning their first game of Camp dodgeball, learning how to create an outdoor shelter from scratch, or improving their swimming strokes in the pool, are all skills and successes that directly boost a child’s confidence.

Screen- free time 

Our days at Camp are packed full of activities that will get your children outside, active, and occupied whilst helping reduce some of the negative impacts of screen fatigue. They can show children real enjoyment beyond TV, computers, and social media. The way children socialise is also completely different in person, being around others will encourage them to develop their communication skills in a real-life environment. As a result, they will learn valuable conflict resolution techniques that will help them become a better communicator and help them develop a greater sense of self-confidence.

Encouragement and positive reinforcement 

Our Holiday Camps provide an atmosphere that is unmatched in support and positivity. Our staff are there to inspire your children. Through positive reinforcement, our Campers begin to feel appreciated and proud of the skills and strengths that make them unique. Above all, all children deserve to feel confident, independent, and secure in themselves. When children hear enough times that they are good enough, they eventually begin to believe it.


To find out more about what we do at United Education, click here.